Both the Kansspelautoriteit and ZonMw – the Dutch organisation for research and innovation in healthcare – have announced this on their websites.
The research programme aims to provide new knowledge regarding online gambling disorders, including prevention and treatment. It also hopes to stimulate the use of this new knowledge.
The three-year project recently came to an end
ZonMw requested a literature review from the Trimbos Institute prior to their research programme.
By setting a results-oriented agenda, the conference hopes to stimulate both national and international cooperation in the field of gambling addiction. It also aims to promote further research into the problem.
The three-year research programme will start this year. Two funding rounds are planned during the programme; Project proposals can be submitted for both rounds. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia reports that the first funding round will start “soon”. ZonMw gives a more concrete date: early 2023.
Gambling companies pay extra fees for the service provided.
The Remote Gambling Act required the establishment of an Addiction Prevention Fund, VPF for short. This fund pays the costs of research.